Friday 8 April 2011

Mise En Scene

Mise-en-scène (French pronunciation: [mizɑ̃sɛn] "placing on stage") is an expression used to describe the design aspects of a theatre or film production, which essentially means "visual theme" or "telling a story" —both in visually artful ways through story-boarding, cinematography and stage design, and in poetically artful ways through direction. Mise-en-scène has been called film criticism's "grand undefined term."ène.


Lighting is used strategically at this point in my film. The lighting in this specific clip is naturalistic and under exposed. The reason for the naturalistic aspect of the lighting is to show she's stripped down both literally and figuratively, we get to see her true emotions. The reason for the under exposed lighting is to show how dark and insignificant she is feeling.


This is a picture of the cast for Skins. Each character are standing in a line against a graffitied wall. The linear form in which they are standing allows anybody looking at it to see each character in comparison with each other. The costume in which they are all dressed in is very unique, each characters looks different. The colours in which they wear are bright and colourful, this shows that the characters are fun and young.

This is a picture of the cast for our 2 minute opening film if it was to develop. We tried to mimic the skins picture by having all characters standing in a line against a graffitied background. The costume in which they are wearing, are the characters personalities objectified.

For the majority of this film opening it is set in a bedroom. This plays heavily on the idea of teenagers only ever being in there bedroom. It adds to the realism of portraying the life of a teenagers.

This only other alternating setting that is seen in my film opening is when Eve is outside. This is a poignant moment and picked strategically after she has had the taken. This setting is chosen to show she is walking out to the reality of the situation and picture what she has done.

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