Friday 1 April 2011

Initial Planning Notes

These notes were our initial brainstorm and ideas of what we wanted to happen. We later realized that attempting to fit all of these elements in the first 2 minute opening sequence, would be too hard to do. All of these scenarios would be perfect for the scenes to follow.

Again, with these notes we agreed that they'd be fantastic ideas for camera work within our film but not in the first 2 minutes.
We began to write a cast list, to start with we had 10 characters in which we wanted to be in our 2 minute opening sequence. I realized once we began filming that to fit all these characters in and pack all the content in that would coincide with this would take away from the quality of the film.

Because of this, we decided that it would be a sensible idea to keep the characters down in number.
We then deviated even further from the plan shown above and our opening sequence only consisted of 3 characters; Omar, Eve and Lewis.

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