Tuesday 5 April 2011


I proposed that for our 2 minute film opening, that we didn't use a tripod. The film genre in which we wanted to project through our film is 'Urban teen drama'. We wanted for our film to be as gritty and real as possible so that it was something our target audience could relate to and think "this film is good because it's really realistic" as opposed to "This film is rubbish! That would never happen". It was important for our film to really reach out to teenagers. I felt that through the use of a handheld camera is would make the film have a more 'real' feel.

 We filmed our opening sequence over a series of three days. It was important for us to maintain continuity and consistency throughout the filming over the period of these three days.
There was a total of 8 minutes 35 seconds of footage in which we filmed. We then extracted clips from this and edited the bits in which we wished to use.

 Here is the collection of clips in which we had to chose from...

 Our opening sequence when it was fully completed and edited lasted 2 minutes 27 seconds.

Here is a picture of our opening sequence in progress while we were editing it.

Why did I use these shots? 

 This shot is the first one we are presented with. I felt it was important to use this shot as it was a way of not only showing what this character is doing but also illuminating how she was feeling at this point. The mirror is also a way of projecting the characters projection of her own thoughts and how she sees herself in a literal and figurative way.

 The close up shot of this texts allows the viewer to see and feel what Eve would be seeing and feeling at the point of receiving this text.

 This close up is an important point in our opening sequence. Prior to this Eve is looking at the floor she then looks up for a split second and this is what we see before it continues to a new scene. This is a way of showing her emotions and what she is feeling and allowing it to carry on to the next scene.
This is the next clip that we see, which is of eve walking. This clip strategically placed after the close up of eve's face shows that she is now facing the reality and consequences of what she has done.

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