Wednesday 2 February 2011

Character Development

Eve is the main character in this film opening as she's what the whole plot is based around. Eve sends a naked picture to omar and consequently gets physically attacked by Sharnice (Omar's girlfriend). Eve is actually quite a withdrawn character and usually keeps herself to herself however really likes Omar so acts innapropiately as a means of trying to impress him.

Alesha is Omar's girlfriend, this is the character who is going to physically assault Eve.She's very fiesty and intimidating and is stereotyped as a bit of a 'cheap chav'. It is important for this character to be very loud and outgoing.

Sharnice is Alesha's friend. She's very close and protective over Alesha. She is Alesha's sidekick and follows her in what she does and the things she thinks. She is also very intimidating.

Omar is Alesha's boyfriend. He's a very arragont character that fits into the jack the lad stereo type. He takes advantage of the fact that lot's of girls are intrested in him even though he already has a girlfriend. It is important for this character to be displayed as very cocky.

Lewis is Omar's sidekick friend. He is to be displayed as quite a cool character who is quite funny but however very outshined by Omar and lives in his shadow.

Chloe is Hannah and Eve's friends. Chloe, Eve and Hannah are all very similar they keep themselves to themselves and are quite withdrawn from the big school crowd. They are geeky in a very cool quirky way.

Hannah is chloe and eve's friend. She is also usually quite a withdrawn character with individual quirky traites and a peron who is only open with her close friends. Hannah has a bit of a harsh edge though which will come to light when confronting Eve about her innapropriate behaviour.

Here are a series of photographs to show the relationships between the different characters.