Friday 14 January 2011

Plot Development

For our plot we felt it would be essential to focus the main plot on a very realistic, gritty story line that teens would be able to relate to, adding verisimilitude when possible. In order to achieve this we decided our plot was going to be based in a school or college as straight away there's an element that teens can relate to. A female character is going to send an innapropriate picture to a fellow peer mate. This boy has a girlfriend and so therefore when the boy begins to send the picture to people it immediately causes controversy. This will then result in the girl becoming very unpopular with her friends and people within the school. The girlfriend of the boy who recieved the pictures will then physically assult her. The scene will end with the girl who got attacked contemplating her revenge/response to what happened to her.
1. Leaked pictures
2. Corridor scene, peoples reactions to the girl as she walks down the corridor. She's unsure what everybody is whispering and looking at but she has an idea.
3.Walks into a situation where everybody are viewing the picture on either a computer or posters stuck around the school.
4.She's humiliated, everybody is laughing at her.
5.Boy comes down the corridor she confronts him about it in tears. He shows now remorse and dismisses her and walks to his girlfriend who has a go at him.
6.The guilty girl looks on at this situation in embarrasment and fear and walks into the classroom.
7.Girl is attacked by the girlfriend, no one intervenes. It is essential we see her isolation and embarrasment.
8.Ends with the girl contemplating revenge in a drastic manner. Knife? Pills?

Possible music to go with this film;
* Jamie T- Sheila

* Lady Sovereign- Jigsaw

* Tomba- Symphony 666

Possible scenarios & Setting...

Friday 7 January 2011

Discussion of Genre Types

After researching various types of genre for our own personal knowledge and understanding of different conventions that make up a genre i.e. big explosions and fighting scenes make up action movies, and dark settings and tense atmospheres make up thrillers.
For our opening sequence we have decided that we are going to choose a teen urban drama. We have agreed that this is a very good genre to use as we feel more familiarised with how the characters would act as we are teenagers ourselves. Also as most of the group watch teen dramas we will know what to include with the footage as we know what the audience will be expecting, as well as our own knowledge we are also able to use friends' who are interested in teen dramas, giving us a big advantage of our knowledge upon teen dramas. As well as asking friends what to include within the intro we will also be able to ask their opinions of what we have filmed, giving us feedback which will allow us to improve and adapt on our techniques.
As well as using knowledge to help us understand this drama we are also able to use the surroundings around us in which we live. This is because we believe our local area will serve well to appear as the typical teen drama set. Because we have the set around us this will make it very cheap and easy to film, this is one of the reasons why we chose teen drama. We believe that teen drama is able to be filmed very cheaply as we do not need to use expensive props, dangerous stunts or effects etc.